Collecting the Creative Podcasts series, featuring this is who i am, Joshua and Jamie do Daredevil, and My First, My Last, My everything

028 - Physicians, Bah!

028 - Physicians, Bah!

In this episode we start with an issue of Marvel Team-Up (73) which sees the return of The Owl, and we find Daredevil fighting his headaches, himself, and the Avengers in issues 155-157 of his own series!

“Come at me, bro!” Daredevil gets physical in the hospital, art by David Wynne

“Come at me, bro!” Daredevil gets physical in the hospital, art by David Wynne

029 - It's Miller Time!

029 - It's Miller Time!

027 - Ant Music!

027 - Ant Music!