Collecting the Creative Podcasts series, featuring this is who i am, Joshua and Jamie do Daredevil, and My First, My Last, My everything

028 - Physicians, Bah!

028 - Physicians, Bah!

In this episode we start with an issue of Marvel Team-Up (73) which sees the return of The Owl, and we find Daredevil fighting his headaches, himself, and the Avengers in issues 155-157 of his own series!

028 - Physicians, Bah!
“Come at me, bro!” Daredevil gets physical in the hospital, art by David Wynne

“Come at me, bro!” Daredevil gets physical in the hospital, art by David Wynne

029 - It's Miller Time!

029 - It's Miller Time!

027 - Ant Music!

027 - Ant Music!