Collecting the Creative Podcasts series, featuring this is who i am, Joshua and Jamie do Daredevil, and My First, My Last, My everything

Who I Am 014 - Krishna Sadasivam

Who I Am 014 - Krishna Sadasivam

In this episode I talk with tech web-cartoonist, Krishna Sadasivam over Skype. We talk about the changing face of strip cartoons, and how social media has changed the format of story telling with gag strips. We also talk about the bronze age of comics, and how Krishna sees now as a great time for independent and creator-owned comics.

I completely forgot to mention Jimi Hendrix.

Who I Am 014 - Krishna Sadasivam

Krishna's Patreon can be found here.

He's portfolio site can be found here.

PC Weenies can be found here.

Who I Am 015 - Nathanial Osollo

Who I Am 015 - Nathanial Osollo

Who I Am 013 - Dan Smith

Who I Am 013 - Dan Smith